
Open Age Cricket at Ulverston
Ulverston’s 1st and A Team play 50 and 40 over Saturday cricket respectively in The Cumbria Cricket League. We also have a 3rd team – our Development side – playing 40 over Sunday cricket in the Westmorland League. We are a relaxed and informal cricket club, fiercely competitive on the pitch but very welcoming to our visiting sides.

We also put players forward for an informal “B” side that compete in 20 over Wednesday night cricket in the Barrow and Furness B Team league.

We practice on Tuesday and Thursday evenings during the spring and summer with indoor training on Sunday evenings during the winter.

UCC is always looking for new players of any age and ability. Whether you are an experienced player looking for a new club or new to the game, we will ensure there is a suitable side for you to play competitive cricket in.